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Google has recently announced that a new Google Assistant integration is coming to the search giant's newest text-messaging app, Android Messages.

Messages pick up when users are texting about restaurants, movies, or weather and Assistant will offer links to more information, which they call "suggestion chips", which can add to the conversation. For example, a link to a restaurant review may be offered when you are deciding to go there for dinner.

According to Business Insider, the feature will be available for users around the world but offered only in English to start.

Google says that the company uses "on-device" artificial intelligence to offer these suggestion chips and that the entire content of text conversations is never sent to Assistant. Google said only the necessary information is picked up on the suggestion chips, which sends it back to Assistant once a user clicks on any of the chips.

The tech giant said that the "on-device AI" is similar technology to what it uses for "Smart Reply" on Messages and Gmail, and it offers suggestions for finishing sentences and sending quick messages. This announcement shows how committed Google is to increase investment in Messages as it plans to shut down its smart messaging app, Allo, coming March.

Messages are Google's latest attempt at building a text-messaging app that users love.

Google's New Messaging App Can Tell What You're Texting About 2

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