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Drones That Charges Your Car Will Save Your Life In The Future 2

Drones That Charges Your Car Will Save Your Life In The Future 3

Drones That Charges Your Car Will Save Your Life In The Future 4

Drones That Charges Your Car Will Save Your Life In The Future 5

Drones That Charges Your Car Will Save Your Life In The Future 6

Drones That Charges Your Car Will Save Your Life In The Future 7

Drones That Charges Your Car Will Save Your Life In The Future 8

The concept of electric cars is that they are environmentally friendly, which is great but, honestly, these concept cars still need a lot of love when it comes to range anxiety. Some of them can travel a whopping 160 km between each 8-hour charge, which means you could end up getting stuck somewhere that you won't be able to charge your car.

Introducing the Volt drone, you might actually be able to chill out in the passenger seat for once. This takes portable charging to whole next level. If you think about it, there has never really been a mobile car charger, let alone one that flies. The best part about all of this is that the subscription service is accessible via an app. So whether you are planning a long road trip where there are few charging stations, users can order a charging Volt drone to ensure their vehicle always has enough power to get them from point A to point B.

In the end, the resounding issue for many electric vehicle drivers is range anxiety, so the Volt allows drivers to travel without feeling restricted.

The conceptual Volt drone is the design work of Inyeop Baek and features a sleek aesthetic that can effectively fly anywhere required before landing on the incorporated legs to prove a charging functionality.

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