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HAL: The Bleeding And Yawning Robot 2

HAL: The Bleeding And Yawning Robot 3

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HAL ® is a paediatric robot patient simulator capable of illustrating facial expressions, lifelike emotions, movement and speech.

His head shakes back and forth so rapidly, it looks like he’s vibrating. His eyelids droop over his blue eyes and his mouth is ajar. He makes no sound, other than the faint whirs of his motors. HAL was built to suffer and is a medical training robot, which is the sort of invention that emerges when one of the most stressful jobs on Earth tumbles into the uncanny valley.

Nurses no longer have to train on lifeless mannequins. HAL can shed tears, bleed and even urinate. If you shine a light in his eyes, his pupils shrink, and he can even be controlled wirelessly to go into anaphylactic shock or cardiac arrest. Designed by healthcare simulator manufacturer, Gaumard, the boy robot is built to help medical students of all levels develop the specialised skills they need to communicate, diagnose and treat young patients.

Through scenario-based learning, HAL is able to answer a series of questions and simulate a variety of common emotional states, stored in its powerful UNI software that also lets users create their own facial expressions and emotions to expand the scope of learning experiences.

Some of the presets included in the UNI library are; anger, transient pain, ongoing pain, amazed, quizzical, worried, anxious, crying and yawning.

Gaumard has equipped HAL with interactive eyes, high-fidelity heart, lung and bowel sounds, bleeding fingers, and a pulse. The hyper-realistic child robot provides healthcare students and professionals with the chance to practice and master their skills since, among its myriad functions, is that it can also receive real glucose testing via finger-stick, and get real-time SpO2 monitoring.

Pediatric HAL also provides immersive skills-training for emergencies and features surgical sites for needle decompression and chest tube insertion exercises using real instruments. Thanks to its ultra-high fidelity, anatomical, and physiological features, the robot supports the practice of advanced-level algorithms using real tools and clinically accurate techniques.

You can learn more about HAL the robot by watching the video below.

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