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How To Take Full Control Of Your Music Needs On Youtube 2

Surely all of us have heard that YouTube has 300 hours worth of uploads per minute as well as other nigh-incomprehensible numbers for other things too, and it is safe to say that no person will be able to watch all of the video content on YouTube in one lifetime. There is a ridiculous amount of new video content uploaded to the website daily, and we just cannot keep up.

YouTube is the go-to spot for any video-related endeavours and is arguably the most powerful video tool. But, what could be its most powerful feature is one only loosely related to video, and it is criminally underused. This underrated feature is YouTube's music streaming ability.

While it is not at Spotify or Apple Music calibre, it is worth remembering that YouTube is essentially free. If you do not have a subscription to Spotify or Apple Music, you might still be using CD's or good ol' mp3's. It is time to fix that. The only thing you will need to switch to streaming is a Google Account so that YouTube knows who it is personalising video content for.

YouTube was not created for streaming music, but this platform is the single most-used website in the world for streaming and listening to music legally. YouTube is now changing their algorithms, to up their game even more.

Just like the algorithms that Spotify boasts, YouTube remembers what music you have listened to and starts to recommend videos based on your personal preferences.
The feature of YouTube specifically for music is called Mix, and the suggestions are spot-on if you have been using YouTube for your musical needs for a while.

As with most functions, the better the YouTube algorithm gets to know you, the better the content suggestions will be. It is also easy to change – if your taste in music has changed – you simply delete songs you do not like or which were played when a small relative made a mess in your search history.

YouTube's Mix comes in handy when you are looking at expanding your musical arsenal, and the better you search, the better your suggestions to see more music content will become.

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