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The latest macOS software is here for your Macbook and the software has some really cool reasons to get excited for.

macOS Mojave, which is the latest version, is a prototypically 2010s macOS release: filled with minor improvements, some additions from iOS and little to praise or complain about.

First and foremost the latest macOS Mojave update finally features a dark mode. Dark mode is not going to change the way you use your computer and developers need to add support to all their apps, so it will not work everywhere just yet.

One of the biggest improvements to Mojave is the desktop. Apple has a new idea about how users can organise files and it is actually really handy for keeping your desktop from turning into a complete mess. The feature is called Desktop Stacks, which automatically groups items on your desktop into "stacks" (basically just some fancy folders). So one stack collects images, another collects screenshots, another collects PDFs and so on, and so forth.

The categories generally make it quicker to find whatever file you need that’s been lost in the mess of your desktop. When you want to see what’s in each stack, you just click on it, and all the files will neatly pop open for you to look through.

Another crowd-pleaser is Apple's update to screenshots. It is just like on iOS, so your screenshot will linger momentarily in the corner of the screen, which allows you to immediately click to open it up and perform some basic edits on it. The editing options are a little clunky, but it is a handy addition overall. Those editing tools are also built into Quick Look, so you can rotate, or add a note to an image or PDF without having to fully open it.

Latest Apple Mac Mojave Software Is Here 2

Another cool feature is the Dynamic Desktop, which allows you to choose from one of two wallpapers that automatically change throughout the day (one is nice, the other not). There is also a new Gallery option in Finder, which seems like it could be helpful for photographers. And Safari has finally decided to show favicons, it does not necessarily mean you have to switch over from Chrome, but if you do use Safari, it is kind of a big deal.

Safari is also doing more to block websites from tracking you around the web. And that's just one of several security improvements in Mojave. Apple is also requiring apps to get your permission to use your Mac's microphone and webcam, which is a really overdue change.

The Mac App Store has also been redesigned, the front page looks more like a page in a magazine that part of an online store, there are big illustrations that draw attention, editorialised lists, and even explanations of what some highlighted apps are all about. Everything is much bigger, and while there is a lot going on, on the screen, it is more spaced out and largely easier to read.

macOS Mojave is a clear impression of knowing where upcoming software updates are going, and Apple wants to switch the Mac over to its self-designed processors, which are designed to run iOS code. But it also feels somewhat like it is coming out of necessity. If Apple does want the Mac to thrive as a stand-alone platform, the company will need desktop apps to be built for the Mac instead of the web.

This project an make it a lot easier for developers, yet, one cannot help but wonder what would macOS look like if Apple were truly focused on it. Would the Mac App Store offer more enticing terms for developers? Would Apple News look completely different?

Mojave might just be the start to all of this, and it might change still, but it suggests a more interesting future in store for Apple. You can learn more about the macOS Mojave by watching the video below.

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