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First thing first, protect the nudes, cause it turns out that Samsung phones are sending users' photos to random contacts, without their permission.

These devices are randomly sending your camera roll photos to your contacts, and users have been complaining about the issue on Reddit as well as the company's official forums. One user said that his phone sent all his photos to his girlfriend. The messages are being sent through Samsung's default texting app, Samsung Messages.

According to reports, the Message app does not even show users that files have been sent; many just find out after they get a response from the recipient of the random photos that were sent to them. A Samsung spokesperson has, however, commented on the issue saying that it's "aware of the reports" and that it's technical teams are "looking into it".

The forums indicated that Galaxy S9 and S9+ are affected, but may not be the only ones afflicted with the bug. Samsung is encouraging those experiencing the issue to make sure they let Samsung know.

Some of the users are speculating that this issue has to do with the push of RCS messaging updates, including T-Mobile, which is the carrier for at least one of the affected phones. For now, Samsung users can revoke Samsung Message's permissions to access storage to avoid the bug from sending their files out into the wild.

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