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Tabagotchi Is Like Tamagotchi, But For Google Chrome! 2

Tabagotchi Is Like Tamagotchi, But For Google Chrome! 3

Tabagotchi is like Tamagotchi, but it's one that lives as an adorable avatar in Google Chrome through an extension. 

Tabagotchi is designed to help cut down on how many tabs you have open.  It is designed by Breather – a company that provides meeting rooms on demand, which does not really relate to this, but who cares? – Tabagotchi is pretty simple, each time you open a new tab, you get greeted by the cute virtual pet friend, who will slowly die in front of you with each new tab you open. 

Each new tab you open cuts off four hit points from your Tabagotchi’s health bar, so if you’ve got more than 25 tabs open, it’ll die. Conversely, keeping less than five tabs open for an hour straight earns your Tabagotchi a bar of energy. Accrue 10 energy bars, and your Tabagotchi will evolve into a presumably cooler-looking Tabagotchi, something that I can’t confirm because I refuse to spend 10 hours with only five tabs open (it will drive my web-browsing-mind MAD!!)

If you are a more nurturing soul and you can clear out some tabs, Tabagotchi might be the solution you have been looking for. 

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