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The Mabot Bellrobot Toy Is Every Kids Dream 2

The Mabot Bellrobot Toy Is Every Kids Dream 3

The Mabot Bellrobot Toy Is Every Kids Dream 4

The Mabot Bellrobot Toy Is Every Kids Dream 5

Mabot by Bellrobot is a plug-n-play toy building kit that provides kids with modular components to create robots of unique functions such as moving, sensing their surroundings, and interacting with the environment.

The team behind Mabot sought a way to take the love of electronics kids have and turn it into fun, interactive learning that builds problem-solving skills and creativity. They designed an incredible robotic system that uses modular components to create robots and powered vehicles that can move, sense their surroundings and interact with the environment. Mabot is like a next-generation remote control vehicle, one that utilises advanced robotic capabilities.

A good educational toy requires children to think, interact with, and/or manipulate concepts, while they can be broken down in three focus categories: academic, cognitive thinking, and motor skills. Cognitive thinking toys include Rubik's cubes, advanced LEGO constructions, and more simple building blocks that allow young learners to develop the physical skills they need to move and manipulate objects. Mabot combines several of these elements in four sets of kits, where each of them can be used to build different types of personal, multi-functional robots.

Using a series of modular balls that easily connect together, a virtually endless number of robots can be built. Building and modifying robots is fast and simple using hot-plugin, a feature that allows the balls to be connected and disconnected without the need to turn off the power. A battery ball powers other components that drive the robot, sense colours and objects nearby and even pick things up. A brain ball controls it, along with two intuitive apps – the Mabot Go app and the more advanced Mabot IDE app – that make programming fun and easy. Then, using the Mabot go and IDE app, kids can easily control their toys and learn how to program them with additional functions.

The Mabot toy by Bellrobot has won the G-Mark Japan good design award 2018. You can see the robot in action, in the video below. 

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