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The Rubik's Cube was invented back in 1974 and, between then and now, it has gotten a full tech reboot.

Tel Aviv based tech firm, Particula, has modernized the most popular puzzle in the world, evolving the Rubik's Cube into the GoCube. The new take of the classic puzzle sees depth-integrated into the game, adding both a social and digital aspect. While it might not be really necessary, here is what to like about the idea:

GoCube is a 3D speed-cube and incorporates digital aspects with the cube itself, being equipped with sensors that track and then measure the activity and position of the cube. Additionally, there is an app that allows the sensors to relay the information they gather while formulating a real-time display of the cube and the movements you make. The sensors communicate the measurements such as 'turns per second, number of moves, time to completion, and more.'

The Rubik's Cube Gets A Full Technology Makeover 2

The system is also capable of tracking and recording 'the cube’s exact movements and history,' that allows users 'to monitor their performances, strengths and weaknesses' as a way to identify a route to better their solving-a-cube-game.

Particula also installed a very social aspect to the game through a variety of game modes (one similar to guitar hero), leaderboard scores and live competitions. Using GoCube, players are able to match with other users at the same level while also using the information via sensors to identify the fairness of the starting point for each user.

GoCube is already a phenomenon having achieved nearly $715,000 (US dollars) as of 08/01/18 of a US $25,000 goal on Kickstarter; 28.6x more than the target about. However, it also provides a glimpse into what the future of board games and other puzzles could look like as a modern approach is necessary in an increasingly social and digital world.

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