Home / Computers/technology / Gaming / Video: Cool Story Bro, But Does It Have Dungeons & Dragons?


Back in 1982, when he was merely 14 years old, Robert Wardhaugh sat down to play a game of Dungeons and Dragons. Fast Forward Thirty-five years later, that same game is still going strong. 

People from all over the country gather each week in Wardhaugh's basement in London, Canada. With over 20,000 figurines and dozens of terrains, Wardhaugh keeps the game fresh and exciting, adding to the everlasting adventure. 

There is a webcam on the playfield and a flatscreen television system so players who can't make it in person can still participate. That is some serious dedication, honestly, I do not think I like any of my friends enough to go such lengths to include them in a game of Dungeons and Dragons. 

The game takes place on what Wardhaugh describes as an "alternative version of Earth" which also includes the continent of Tolkien's Middle Earth, picking up 400 years after the destruction of the One Ring.

Have a look at the everlasting story in the video below, it's quite something!

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