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Google recently teamed up with podcast Song Exploder in order to give users a new way to hear music.  The podcast features musicians who tell the story of how their song was making it apart and going in depth on how the music came about.

The song is often broken down into separate tracks so listeners can hear details while the musician provides commentary on their process. Google's Inside Music allows users to take a song apart all by themselves and hear each individual piece of it, bit by bit. 

At the moment Inside Music has six songs that you can explore from artists Phoenix, Perfume Genius, Natalia Lafourcade, Ibeyi, Alarm Will Sound and Clipping. The service was created with WebVR, so it doesn't require any extra software or apps, and it can be used on a phone, laptop or with a VR headset. On Inside Music's website, you can select one of the songs and each individual component; drums, synth, vocals, etc. All these individual components surround you and you can turn any of them on and off.

You can check out Inside Music now and Google has made its code public on GitHub, so any musician can create their own interactive music experience. Have a look at the video below to see how it works and get mixin'.

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