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Video: These Lifesaver Drones Will Soon Be Able To Warn You Of Sharks In The Water 2

Video: These Lifesaver Drones Will Soon Be Able To Warn You Of Sharks In The Water 3

I bet we all have seen JAWS and, ever since we have had that famous theme song playing in our heads once you're swimming in the ocean – but now drone technology might be able to help your subconscious stay safe. 

The Shark Spotter is a new initiative that's being tested by the Ripper Group out of New South Wales, Australia. By teaming up with the local surf life-saving service, the Ripper Group has been using a range of fairly serious-grade UAV's to assist with lifeguard duties. 

Up until now, the Little Ripper drones have spent a lot of their time on surveillance duties looking for people in distress, either in the surf or on the beach. They have also been used to drop off emergency supplies like a whistle and electromagnetic shark repellent devices. 

Sharks cannot be seen from eye level, and they are less visible underwater unless they decide to go the full JAWS treatment and poke their top fins out of the water. The inability to really see what is happening underneath you is one of the reasons so many people have an intense fear of the sea. 

Once a shark is spotted, the drones have built-in loudspeakers that the lifeguards can use to tell surfers and swimmers to get the hell outta there. There is also the option of dropping shark repellent kits and other aids, as well as immediately being able to see where a shark strike occurs and get assistance to a bitten swimmer as soon as possible. Even though the raw numbers of shark attacks are very low, the sheer terror these apex predators of the ocean can cause is very real.

Let us know what you think about the Shark Spotter drone in the comments below: 


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