Home / Computers/technology / Gadgets / Apple Is Considering To Bring The Touch Bar To More Keyboards...


Apple is one of the leading companies in the digital space and they are considering to bring their latest innovation to even more keyboards, because... why not?

The Touch Bar famously debuted with the 2016 MacBook Pro, replacing the row of function keys with a more functional OLED touch panel. Since the touch bar's release, it has been proven that it is a killer addition to the keyboard, even if it is something to get used to for all the Apple fanboy's, it is definitely a great decision to bring it to more keyboards. 

Even though this is still just a parent, there is no way of knowing if Apple actually had plans to give any other keyboards the Touch Bar feature, but we can still dream about it, who know maybe the next release of the Mac Pro might have the option of coming with a Touch Bar. 

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