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With Apple releasing a variety of new products in 2020, they have launched new express store locations worldwide.

There have been a number of new products launched by Apple in 2020 but, like every other retail store, they have to adhere to strict lockdown regulations. These include limiting the number of people allowed in the physical store as well as practicing social distancing for the safety of their staff and the customers as well.

However, limiting the number of walk-in customers has a direct negative impact on product sales. Apple, therefore, came up with a solution to the restrictions and still generating the required revenue and offering the same consistent Apple service.

Apple has now implemented a variety brand new pop-up express stores that are operated remotely, which allows consumers to continue shopping as per usual during the global pandemic. The Apple express stores are an ingenious solution to Apple's drop in sales due to Covid-19, and allow consumers to both purchase their products and adhere to government restrictions regarding covid-19 restrictions.

Take a look at the video below by YouTube channel, Later Clips, on Apple launches new express store locations.

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