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NVIDIA Game Streaming is going to become available on all Apple Mac computers with an M1 Silicon chip set.

Apple computers have never been the first choice for gamers. That is partially because there are not a lot of games available for Mac in the first place. But, the real reason as to why this is, is because Apple Mac computers largely lack the ability to be upgraded.

That excuse is become quite lame now, to be honest. If you think about it, gaming consoles and even gaming laptops are very seldomly upgraded. Even hardcore, custom-built, dedicated gaming PC's are not upgraded that often. So where does this leave Apple in the gaming community?

Well, the new range of Apple computers, which now feature the new M1 silicon chip set, are little gaming computers in their own right. But NVIDIA have taken full advantage of this by offering a game streaming service native to the M1 chip Apple computers.

This is rather interesting in the sense that NVIDIA will host the majority of the CPU processing power on their gaming servers. All users have to have is a computer with relatively good graphics, and the Apple M1 is fantastic at that, and a decent internet connection!

Take a look at the video below by YouTube channel, Later Clips, on M1 Macs Get Nvidia Game Streaming Natively.

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