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Research shows that having an iPhone, statistically, makes your 76% more attractive.

A study that was carried out by CompareMyMobile which proved that users who used an Apple device, such as an iPhone, Ear Pods, iPad or Macbook on a dating app got 76% more swipe-rights than non-Apple users.

The study was carried out using several identical dating app profiles, and the only thing that was different was the device currently used. On the profiles that showed that Apple products were currently used got a huge 76% more attraction that non-Apple devices, which clearly suggests that owning an Apple device is more likely to get more attraction on dating apps.

Whether or not this directly translates into real-life or non-dating app engagement, is still unknown, but the data acquired by this study suggests its highly likely. So, next time you're on a date, be sure to pull out you're brand new iPhone 12 and lay it subtly on the table in front of you two!

Take a look at the discussion in the video below by YouTube channel, LaterClips, on Having An iPhone Makes You 76% More Attractive.

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