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Take a look at how the founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, saved Pixar Animation Studio from bankruptcy.

If you're a Steve Jobs fan, you'll probably know the story of when he essentially got fired from his own company in 1985.

In his time away from Apple, he started yet another computer company called NeXT Computer and NeXT Software Inc. However, Jobs always liked the idea of combining computers with creativity and art and, when he found out about the creativity Pixar was doing, he got involved with the company.

However, Steve Jobs was well aware of Pixars financial situation, which wasn't looking too good, and therefore invested $10,000,000 of his own money into the company, which gave him 70% ownership.

However, that wasn't enough to get the company to a point to where it needed to be, nor were the projects adequate to have time invested into its development. It wasn't until 1994 where the creative team came up with a concept called Toy Story, which would be the first Pixar movie that would be fully animated on computers. But to get the project fully developed, Steve Jobs had to invest yet another $40,000,000 into Pixar, which he had seen no return yet.

After Toy Story was released, it became an instant international success, which caught the eye of Disney who ended up buying Pixar for $7.4 Billion in 2006.

Take a look at the video below by YouTube channel, ColdFusion, on How Steve Jobs Saved Pixar from Bankruptcy.

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