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Back in 1979, just two years after Apple had launched the Apple II computer, those authorised to sell the devices had some well-articulated knowledge when it came to their growing impact on society.

A clip, captured by a documentary maker David Hoffman, shows computer store operators make some pretty accurate predictions for the future of computer-tech.

The people being interviewed touches on the improvement in the labour sector, once the computers are introduced. What's more is that the moustached gentleman alludes to the dissolving of tedious jobs, which will be replaced by computers.

Lastly, he makes some prophetic comments on our relationship with computers that hold, if not a little then a lot of relevance, in today's digital society:

"As to this question of the information society, those that deal with the computer will be far in way ahead of those who do not. Computers are designed to relieve tedium in our lives. If a computer does not do that, the probability is you didn’t need a computer, to begin with, you needed more arms and legs."

The film is an original, shot by David Hoffman, and his YouTube channel also features an abundance of vintage film clips. The description of this clip, seen below, is that he "was shooting a documentary called 'The Information Society' in 1979 and filmed this in Cedar Rapids Iowa". "Compushop had just begun selling the Apple II and this guy had a keen sense of what was coming."

Video: David Hoffman 

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