Home / News & media website / Gadgets / Intel Desperately Wants Apple Back After M1 Silicon Chips


Apple ditching Intel as a provider for processors is the equivalent of getting dumped cold by your girlfriend after a long and happy relationship... But, after Intel threw their toys out the cot and basting the Apple brand repeatedly after the cancellation of the deal, Intel wants Apple back.

Up until the latest Apple Macs, Apple made use of Intel processor chips. When Apple decided to design and develop their own in-house silicon-based chip, the Apple M1, as expected, they dropped the deal with Intel.

However, Intel didn't take this lightly. They even released ad campaigns that would bash Apple, trying to convince people to move over to PC.

But then they changed their mind. They have reportedly tried to win over Apple once again by setting up massive factories close to Apple in California and Europe, all in the hope of manufacturing Apple's M1 chips for them.

There has been no word from Apple as to whether or not they will accept this proposal, but it seems quite unlikely that Apple will outsource their development.

Take a look at the video below by YouTube channel, Mac Rumours, on Intel Wants Apple Back Already.

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