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Knightscope's New Robot Looks Like A Mini Concept Car! 2

Knightscope's New Robot Looks Like A Mini Concept Car! 3

Surely we all remember that awkward moment when Knightscope's K5 security robot went for a swim? Well, technically it drowned itself – we suspect it couldn't live with being a robot anymore. Now the Silicon Valley firm Knightscope is introducing two new models to its line-up; the K1 stationary bot and the K7 buggy, which is the robot that looks like a mini concept car. 

Knightscope has been teasing the K7 for a while now but showed it off in person at a press event this week. The K7 is five feet high and nearly ten feet long and is designed to patrol grass, gravel, sand and other tricky terrains. Its speed is currently limited to 3 mph but it can go much faster. The K7 Knightscope robot navigates autonomously and has a suite of sensors and cameras that relay audio and video back to a human supervisor.

The K7 will get the most attention because it looks like a 5-foot tall version of the Mars rover. It rolls on four wheels, is fully electric, and is made to patrol larger areas than the K5, which will stick largely to shopping centres.

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