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Samsung's Latest Battery Tech Could Eliminate Social-media Anxiety! 2

Samsung's Latest Battery Tech Could Eliminate Social-media Anxiety! 3

We are already seeing supercar-batteries that could possibly charge in one minute, but what about smartphones?

The future might not be so far off, according to Samsung, which released details about a new battery earlier this week that could have big implications for the smartphone maker's businesses.

The Korean electronics giant says it's developed a type of battery material that's more efficient and charges faster than the traditional lithium-ion batteries. Called "graphene ball," Samsung says batteries made out of this material could charge as much as five times faster than their lithium-ion counterparts. (Impressive!)

So a battery that takes an hour to charge, could, theoretically, take as little as 12 minutes to charge if the new graphene ball material is used, says the company. It could also enable battery capacities to grow as much as 45 percent, the researchers say.

Increased capacity, combined with super fast charging, could have big implications for not just smartphones, but electric vehicles and other products that benefit from high-capacity batteries.

"We were able to considerably enhance the capabilities of lithium-ion batteries in an environment where the markets for mobile devices and electric vehicles is growing rapidly," lead researcher, Dr Son In-hyuk, said in a statement. "Our commitment is to continuously explore and develop secondary battery technology in light of these trends."

The material is still in the research phase for now and there is another reason why Samsung may be especially interested in using graphene ball-based batteries: safety. Since the battery is able to remain at a "highly stable" temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, the battery could be particularly suited to EVs.

You can read more about the research here!


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