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The Expliner Robot Inspects High Voltage Transmission Lines 2

The Expliner Robot Inspects High Voltage Transmission Lines 3

The Expliner Robot Inspects High Voltage Transmission Lines 4

Inspection of high-voltage power lines is costly, difficult and a dangerous job, even for skilled workers.

Which means there must be a robot that can do the job, right? Introducing the Expliner, which is a robot designed to perform an inspection of live high-voltage transmission lines. Inspection of transmission lines is physically demanding, it may affect the supply of electricity, and often puts inspectors at risk. Remote sensing techniques have been developed, such as helicopter-based cameras and, more recently, drones – but the level of detail is still limited.

With the Expliner robot, there is no need to stop the transmission of electricity. Since the Expliner moves along the transmission lines, it is able to place sensors directly over or around the lines, acquiring an unprecedented level of detail of the conductors.

Expliner is able to overcome obstacles such as cable spacers, dampers and even suspension towers, while maintaining operations in a safe way, without having to interrupt the transmission of electricity.

Expliner makes the inspection of the transmission lines safer, more affordable, repeatable and more precise, paving the way for predictive maintenance and better asset management.

Have a look at the Expliner robot in the video below, to learn more!

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