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With the demand for data connectivity and secure cloud storage at an all-time high, tech companies are continuously looking for new and innovative ways to offer high-speed internet services to people around the world. At the least cost to both the environment and service providers.

Microsoft has just reached the end of a two-year-long experiment where they put a data centre on the seafloor just off the coast of Scotland. Over 50% of the world's population lives within two miles of the coast of any given country, so having data centres in the sea makes data transfer and connectivity far more efficient and reliable. Microsoft is intending on installing more data centres underwater, as the water provides free thermoregulation. This saves costs on massive cooling systems, and it's purely natural, and is therefore significantly better for the environment.

Another plus side is that, if a data centre is at the bottom of the sea, it provides a significantly stronger barrier over theft, a common threat to land-based alternatives.

Take a look at the video below by the YouTube channel, Vision, on Why Microsoft Has Underwater Data Centres...

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