What is the reasoning for the smartphone with the removable camera?
The mobile manufacturing company called Vivo, has developed a prototype smartphone that will forever change the way you use and think of a portable camera. The Vivo smartphone has been specially designed to have a detachable camera.
The Vivo smartphone camera is housed inside of the camera itself when not in use, then it can be popped out for when you need to use it. However, the camera can be completely detached from the smartphone itself to give the user the ability to have the camera facing forward or backwards, and still reap the benefits of having both angles of view the same quality as opposed to other mobile phones.
The only problem with a detachable part of a smartphone is potentially losing the component, which is probable, much like a stylus.
Aside from the camera, Vivo has not yet released any specs on their new smartphone camera, or the phone itself. Furthermore, Vivo has also been awarded the Red Dot tech innovation award for their new smartphone camera design.
Take a look at the video below by YouTube channel, Later CLips, on what is the reasoning for the smartphone with the removable camera?