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This Guy Has Built The World's Largest Robot 2

This Guy Has Built The World's Largest Robot 3

This Guy Has Built The World's Largest Robot 4

This Guy Has Built The World's Largest Robot 5

Inspired by Mobile Suit Gundam, one of the most popular anime series in Japan, engineer Masaaki Nagumo began building his very own larger-than-life robots.

The giant humanoid is inspired by the sci-fi franchise based on Robert Heinlein's 1959 novel Starship Troopers. The robot is a prototype weapon that falls into the hands of a young mechanic-turned-pilot and each part of the giant robot is fully operational that can be controlled by the user from within.

Nagumo's latest creation is the LW Mononofu, standing at 28 feet tall and weighing close to 5 tons, it is the world’s largest fully operational robot. The LW-Mononofu is powered by both a 200-volt AC electricity source and a 24-volt DC battery. The video by Great Big Story shows how the giant can be controlled by a user, and can even shoot tennis balls.

The project took Nagumo six years to complete, however, he claims that it is "one small step closer to [achieving his] childhood dream". The massive LW Mononofu would surely command a towering price – if one would like to rent the large robot – however, there is just one hitch: It can't leave the factory without being dismantled, because it was built taller than the workshop doors.

Nagumo's colossal cyborg-robot can manoeuvre individual fingers, turn its upper body and even walk backwards and forwards – at a pace of about 0.6 miles per hour.

But no one could be fooled by its leisurely clip: Towering over any human, the bot carries a bazooka-like air gun on its right arm, shooting sponge balls at a dangerous 87 mph.

“As an anime-inspired robot that one can ride, I think this is the biggest in the world,” Nagumo boasted.

The cockpit is outfitted with monitors showing footage shot by cameras installed at five points on the body, and the pilot can manipulate the robot with levers, pedals and buttons. While Nagumo believes his greatest work is still yet to come, he’s hopeful that creations like these will inspire future generations of tinkerers.

Have a look at the video below to see the world's largest robot in action.

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