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This Is A Robot That Turns Any Surface Into A Drawing Canvas 2

This Is A Robot That Turns Any Surface Into A Drawing Canvas 3

This Is A Robot That Turns Any Surface Into A Drawing Canvas 4

This Is A Robot That Turns Any Surface Into A Drawing Canvas 5

This Is A Robot That Turns Any Surface Into A Drawing Canvas 6

Carlo Ratti Associati (CRA) has developed an intelligent writing robot that can draw and erase images on any vertical surface, from whiteboards to glass or plaster, transforming it into a screen where drawings, messages or feeds can be projected.

Known as Scribit, this drawing robot is the result of a long investigation of writing machine developer CRA, including drone graffiti 'artists' and the Façade of the future food district at Milan's world expo 2015.

"Do we really want to add more screens to our lives?" says Carlo Ratti, "Scribit offers up an alternative: a robotic system that draws on any kind of vertical surface, following a primordial act performed by humanity since our first cave graffiti." Scribit features in-built engines, that can be installed in less than five minutes and it can safely draw, cancel and re-draw new images infinitely, offering the possibility of printing a new drawing on your wall every day.

Scribit interactive software allows for real-time reproduction of any kind of data while users can use materials from online sources since it is always connected to the web. With a circular, aluminium shape the drawing robot comes with four markers of different colours as its centre and will premiere during this year's Salone Del mobile in the framework CRA's 'living nature' pavilion. A subsequent crowdfunding campaign will launch on 5 June 2018.

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