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Games like Upper One Games' Never Alone, for example, popularized the trend by working alongside native Alaskan Iñupiaq people to bring global attention to their culture's stories. 

A new game is on the rise and is hoping to achieve the same goal. Mulaka is an indie game from Mexico-based studio Lienzo and it is the latest to join this digital preservation effort. Mulaka is a 3D action-adventure puzzle game that is centred around the Tarahumara indigenous culture that lives alongside them in Chihuahua, Mexico. 

"The initial inspiration for the game began from us just learning more about the Tarahumara culture — reading their amazing legends and myths. And we really fell in love with them," said writer and programmer Guillermo Vizcaíno. 

"As gamers, we found it impossible to not start imagining all these grand scenarios and set pieces."

Throughout Mulaka you play as a Sukurúame – or a Tarahumara shaman – who calls upon the power of the demigods like the culture's cumecócari demigod, "who allows you take the physical form of a bird whenever you need. Because your task is to convince the higher gods – like the moon and the sun – not to destroy the earth," said Vizcaíno. 

A huge part of the Mulaka game is not to only preserve the Tarahumara culture, but also other key aspects of their worldview running the risk of eradication. At the heart of the project is an overarching desire to transform the way the Tarahumara are seen, both nationally and abroad. Mulaka has been in development for about three years now and is aiming for a 2018 release date. Keep an eye out for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and Steam, in the meantime have a look at the Mulaka Trailer below.

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