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Researchers at Rice, Durham and North Carolina State universities demonstrated in lab tests how rotors in single-molecule nanomachines can be activated by ultraviolet light to spin at 2 to 3 million rotations per second and open membranes in cells.

These nanomachines specifically target and drill into cancer cells, eliminating them within 60 seconds.

Durham University tested these nanomachines and the results demonstrated that, on average, they tore through the outer membrane of prostate cancer cells within one to three minutes, resulting in their extermination.

The motor of a nanomachine consist of rotor-like links of atoms that can be instructed to head into a direction so that the molecule spirals at incredibly high-speeds. 

These nanomachines would have many uses, including the ability to burrow inside cells and discharging therapeutic agents, but can be used as effective weapons against tumour membranes and other malignant agents.

Watch the video to learn more about the nanomachine and what the researchers at Rice are planning to do with the invention!


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