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Video: T-bots Is A Two-wheeled Balancing Robot That's Easy To Program! 2

Video: T-bots Is A Two-wheeled Balancing Robot That's Easy To Program! 3

Video: T-bots Is A Two-wheeled Balancing Robot That's Easy To Program! 4

Video: T-bots Is A Two-wheeled Balancing Robot That's Easy To Program! 5

KLiK robotics is a small company specialising in the design and manufacturing of educational robots. The company recently released a Kickstarter campaign called T-BOTS; a two-wheeled DIY robot kit that is designed to inspire creativity. From designing your own T-BOTS's skin, to inventing your own games and learning to program using the Audrino development platform, or the Scratch (S4A). It will help you understand the physics of balance and dynamic stabilisation, all the way up to advanced control theory.

T-BOTS use a combination of accelerometers and gyroscopes to precisely measure the tilt. This information is used to calculate the necessary motor response for the robot to maintain its balance.

The eyes of the little robot are ultrasound distance-measuring modules, that provide the user with scopes to write algorithms for the robot to interact with their environment or each other.

The software used to write the code is C/C++ which – according to IEEE SPECTRUM – is the programming language most in demand by recruiting companies. The software is free to download for users, where the users can modify or completely rewrite the code.
Users can also battle each others T-BOTS, the rules are simple: you must make contact at least once and knock your opponent over while remaining upright.

KLiK's robotic T-BOTS are now available to back through Kickstarter with early bird pledges starting from £45, delivery is expected to take place during April 2018.
For full specifications and more information, be sure to check out the video below as well as their Kickstarter campaign here.


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