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Video: You Can Be Glad Siri Did Not Exist In The 1980's... Here Is Why 2

This humorous video was created by the folks at YouTube channel, Squirrel Monkey. It is about how they imagine Apple's Siri as a personal assistant in 1987...SPOILER... Super shitty and slow.

It would've probably not been possible back then, but if you want a speculative glimpse at what that would have been like, you can watch the video below. The clip plays out like a VHS instructional video explaining to computer newbies how to get Siri to work on their home computers.

It is a good reminder of how far we have come, even if, hypothetically, someone had been able to get the intelligence and voice recognition right on a personal assistant in that time, all the other factors, such as hardware and software would've limited the 80's Siri.

You plug in the expensive voice-recording sound card and your microphone into your 386 PC and insert the Siri diskette. After loading for some time, maybe, no, hold on, it will work. It is just taking a really long time.

The video is over five minutes long and Siri's voice is disturbing but give it a go.

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