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After five years of working for Apple, you'll receive an award.

Being recognised by their company always makes an employee feel appreciated, even more so in one of the biggest tech companies in the world, with tens of thousands of employees around the globe! Here is what Apple employees receive after working for the company for five years.

After five years of service, Apple employees receive a framed plaque with the employee's name and then a rather inspirational paragraph:

"Five years at Apple is a significant milestone. When you came here, you signed up to accomplish truly great things. Since then, you have brought passion, creativity, and tenacity – simply because that's what the pursuit of excellence requires. You have energized and inspired others through the standards you set for yourself. And you have made the kind of impact that changes people's lives. That is significant. Thank you – for all you have done and all you will do throughout your journey at Apple."

The plaque is then also signed by Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, however, we can't tell if its actually a physical signature or if it's just a stamp, but nevertheless, the five year plaque award is still a well received personalised gesture.

Take a look at the video below by YouTube channel, John Vink, on What You Get After Working For Apple For 5 Years.

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