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WhatsApp enters damage control as thousands of people jump ship, looking for more privacy with secure alternatives such as Telegram and Signal.

WhatsApp made headline news after releasing their new terms and conditions for the mobile app, which forcefully requires users to agree to WhatsApp collecting more private user data.

Furthermore, WhatsApp has not been particularly transparent about what the new terms are for, or how they intend to use more user data. After the initial backlash, WhatsApp took to Twitter and said that they will only be collecting data for business messages and the user signup information. Which proves to be only partially true if you read the fine print as they clearly say: "...with others (Including businesses)...".

It reads: "WhatsApp currently shares certain categories of information with Facebook Companies. The information we share with the other Facebook Companies includes your account registration information (such as your phone number), transaction data, service-related information, information on how you interact with others (including businesses) when using our Services, mobile device information, your IP address, and may include other information identified in the Privacy Policy section entitled ‘Information We Collect’ or obtained upon notice to you or based on your consent."

WhatsApp Enters Damage Control 2

Although WhatsApp won't be collecting data from your messages themselves, it is clear that users around the world are very concerned about the new terms and conditions, and WhatsApp is losing thousands of users per day.

Take a look at the video below by YouTube channel, Later Clips, on WhatsApp Enters Damage Control - Are They Lying?

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