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A 3d-puzzle 'hippie Flip-flop' Combines 2-part Rubber Ergonomic Sole 2

A 3d-puzzle 'hippie Flip-flop' Combines 2-part Rubber Ergonomic Sole 3

A 3d-puzzle 'hippie Flip-flop' Combines 2-part Rubber Ergonomic Sole 4

A 3d-puzzle 'hippie Flip-flop' Combines 2-part Rubber Ergonomic Sole 5

Shoe company, Iguaneye, has released their latest ergonomic shoe – the ultimate hippie flip-flop. The Iguaneye Jungle is a 2-part rubber ergonomic sole that perfectly conforms to the contours of your feet.

Inspired by Amazonian Indians that used to dip their feet in the liquid rubber from trees to protect them, the Iguaneye comprises a rubber sole with an anatomic form, custom-made to provide a supportive, secure and extremely comfortable fit. Unlike flip-flops, the piece that parts the toes is placed 1 cm ahead and just like a second-skin, it perfectly fits all your movements to not cause irritation.

The flip-flop assembles together like a 3D puzzle and has been produced using the 3D model in Rhinoceros 3D. Then, with the help of inpact – a prototype developing company based in Leiria, Portugal – the Iguaneye team have 3D-printed several versions of the intricate design using a 3Dsystem SLS printer.

Iguaneye have selected two materials for the prints: Duraform flex and Duraform TPU; two ultra-flexible materials allowing the prototype to mimic more accuracy the final product. The Iguaneye jungle which is currently drumming support through a Thunderclap campaign will be released the 7th of December and available on crowdfunding platform Indiegogo.

If you want to see the promotional video, have a look here!


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