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Instagram has slowly been releasing additional features aimed at who can see a profile's like count and who can't. All this returned data might lead Facebook to make the decision to get rid of likes completely on Instagram.

Instagram has been rolling out experiments over the past two years, including additional user features such as hiding like counts on profiles from their followers, and even hiding the like counts of every profile within their network.

Due to privacy concerns as well as subjective engagement scores, the like count in Instagram has slowly become more and more redundant. Changes to the algorithm means a like count isn't as beneficial as it used to be. Furthermore, reports based on Instagram user experiments showed that like counts proved to be more toxic in terms of interaction rates as opposed to comments, reshares and tags.

Facebook has released very little about their findings over this two-year experimentation process on the like counts in Instagram, and it currently seems like they are still at a point where they don't know what to do with them.

Take a look at the video below by the YouTube channel, Later Clips, on Instagram Can't Figure Out What To Do With Likes...

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