Even the skinniest desktop computer looks like a clunker next to the Taptop computer concept. This desktop PC design ditches the big box CPU that collects dust in exchange for a compact device that is also at the centre of the user interaction.
The Taptop Computer gives you the experience of Apple's OS, you will notice the removal of the famous dock from the screen to give you a lot more room.
Designed by the industrial designer, Louis Berger, the Taptop uses the usual cursor optimized desktop interface with a multi-touch control strip that also functions as the Dock and Touch Bar. This way users can interact with the actual device, not just with peripherals. Better yet, it brings the familiar concept of having all your apps at your fingertips. The Taptop automatically wakes from sleep if it detects a person presence in front of it. If several users share one device it will know who it is and instantly unlock with FaceID.
Have a look at the gallery of the Taptop Concept to experience the design in full, let's hope Apple takes some sort of inspiration from Louis Berger.