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The Surreal World Of A Super Mario Experiment Game 2

The Surreal World Of A Super Mario Experiment Game 3

The Surreal World Of A Super Mario Experiment Game 4

The Surreal World Of A Super Mario Experiment Game 5

Super Mario games have always been one of those go-to games when you are bored and just want to have fun. By having Mario doing anything, whether it is jumping across a ledge or stomping on a bad guy, you name it, he does it.

Jelly Mario, however, takes things a bit further; this free browser game from developer, Stefan Hedman, sees Mario as a jelly-man (obvious to the name of the game).

Mario takes on one of the most iconic video games and completely upends it by messing with the physics. The game in its current state consists of the first two levels of the original Super Mario Bros. Instead of hopping around with grace, Mario float likes a very confused jellyfish. You play by using the arrow keys, but it seems the arrows more likely suggests where Mario wants to go than actually controlling him.

What makes the game even more hilarious, is that the entire world is built around the same jelly effect. If Mario jumps on a green pipe, it will bend and twist in bizarre ways. If you stand still and let a goomba walk into you, Mario will be shot back with explosive force.

You can check it out on your browser right here.

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