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Twitter recently announced that the company is working on a new testing program that might improve user experience on the site.

Users can apply for the testing program and successful applicants will be able to try out some of the potential up-and-coming features on the service and will be able to give feedback to Twitter.

Jack Dorsey's, the CEO of Twitter, plans to serve and improve the way the user communicate on their timelines within the site. This new testing program will include features such as new user interface designs for replies to tweets, which will include bubble-like looks to replies, which will make it seems like some sort of text message on a smartphone.

Some of the other features that will be tested include a colour-coding system on replies, which will show the response from people who already follow a user and those who do not. The invitations to the new testing site will be sent to successful users in the next couple of weeks, said Twitter.

The Twitter testing program will only be available for iOS user at the moment, and if you feel like you want to try it out, you can apply here!

via: Tech Central 

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