Search Results - Antagonistic pair of skeletal muscle This Robot Moves With The Help Of MusclesThis biohybrid robot is powered by an antago... Muscle Video: 3d Printed Synthetic Muscles Are Stronger Than You!Mechanical engineers from Columbia Unversity... Muscle Vacuum Gripper Made Of Artificial MusclesMajority of the robots that are used in fact... Vacuum Scientists Are Controlling Robots With Their MindsDespite all the technological advances we ha... Csail Snapchat's Camera-equipped Spectacles Are Now Available In Europe.As of Friday, anyone in Europe can buy a pai... Spectacles Facebook & Ray-Ban Team Up To Build Smart GlassesIf you have used any form of social media in... Ray-ban Will Robotic Fashion Be The Future Of Clothes?There is a research team that is led by the ... Rossiter These Earplugs Let You Turn The Volume Down On LifeThere is more to life than a good pair of ea... Sound The Robot Dog Has A Pair Of 3D Printed Bionic ArmsYoubionic has come up with an interesting wa... Bionic Video: Headphones That Let's You 3d Sound...anywhere, Anytime!With the growth of virtual reality and audio... Headphones Smart Sneakers Are Here To Replace Your Wearable WatchWearable technology brand, Amazfit, cro... Smart Video: This Is What The Next Generation Of Laser Technology Can DoThe new versions of the Arctic laser ar... Laser Video: Woven Into The Future With Reebok's Gps GlovesReebok has embarked on a new initiative to c... Flexweave 1