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A Simple Product That Supplies Free Water 4

A Simple Product That Supplies Free Water 5

Raindrops are sensationally mesmerizing to look at, but the Raindrop is an entertaining product that plays with the banal, limited traditional outside gutter. 

Raindrop is essentially a rain barrel that makes saving water really easy by providing a watering can that fills up automatically when it rains and stores further water in the body of the barrel, allowing users to refill the can after further use. 

As the rain gushes from your gutter to the drain below, the little can drinks its fill and sits ready to water your plants. 

It is made out of recyclable PE, manufactured in Holland and sold in garden centres. Just make sure not to install them at ground level, or they might end up getting filled with something other than pure rainwater.  

The design has received numerous design awards such as the René Smeets award and was shortlisted for several other prestigious design awards. 

The Raindrop is the production version of 'A Drop of Water', one of Bas van der Veer's graduation works. The design was taken into production by market-leading pottery label Elho. The Raindrop is named aptly so, with a rotund lower half of the device fitting on drainpipes from 50mm to 80mm. 


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