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A Very Innovative Double-decker Train... 2

A Very Innovative Double-decker Train... 3

A Very Innovative Double-decker Train... 4

A Very Innovative Double-decker Train... 5

A Very Innovative Double-decker Train... 6

Commuters are accustomed to seeing trains sitting upon tracks, so it's surprising to consider this unique, double-decker train that integrates its rails along the middle of the carriages. The futuristic design produces two very separate levels of passenger cabins that feel like wholly independent trains. 

Prathyush Devadas's design provides that stations have two levels of platforms as well, assisting with a reduction in crowds and congestion as the double-decker train is boarded and disembarked. 

What's also interesting about the upper and lower weight distribution of this newfangled transit concept is that the technology would be maglev and balanced as such. Energy consumption would be optimized further with the installation of wind turbines, harnessing energy from the very currents created by the train in motion.

Additionally, at each station, specialized floors collect the crowd's footstep energy as they move about. Have a look at the gallery to see what the double-decker train would look like if it ever becomes a reality.

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