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Take a look at some of the new features in Adobe Photoshop 2021.

Its that time of year again where Adobe released the brand new updates to their programs, and usually some new and exciting features are added as well.

Let's take a look at some of the new features in Adobe Photoshop 2021.

Sky Replacement: Edit > Sky Replacement

If you're working on an image with a rather dull sky, you now have a new feature in Photoshop dedicated to changing sky's as simply and accurately as possible without the use of selection tools. Once you have chosen your new sky background, photoshop will then layer all your new assets in the layers panel for you, together with masks in case you wish to make further adjustments.

Neural Filters: Filter > Neural Filters

Neural filters have now changed the way portraits will be edited. Retouchers now have the ability to smoothen skin with a simple slider, so no more need to use complex brushes. Furthermore, you can change your portraits expression and even eye direction.

Intelligent Refine Hair: Select & Mask > Refine Hair

This is probably a feature that should have been in previous versions of Photoshop a long time ago as the demand was so high. Now you can forget about complex selections and masks to superimpose a detailed subject onto a different background. In the select & mask options, a new button called Refine Hair will automatically separate your subject's hair from its background, saving you a lot of time!

Plugins Panel: Window > Plugins

Photoshop 2021 has introduced the Plugins panel which gives you access to Adobe's plugins directly from inside of Photoshop.

Take a look at the video below by YouTube channel, Dansky, on 
Adobe Photoshop 2021 New Features.

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