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Yet another mysterious monolith has appeared, this time, on the other side of the planet.

First of all, one of the first – and possibly the most well-known mysterious monolith in Utah, USA – randomly disappeared, which clearly sparked even more mystery!

Currently, there seems to be a new monolith appearing almost on a daily bases. With news sites such as The Guardian, Business Insider, New York Post and The New York Times not being able to get to the bottom of where they come from yet.

With all the mystery surrounding them, there has been another one discovered, this time in the city of Piatra Neamt, Romania. The Monolith features very similar characteristics to the one that vanished in Utah but has a slightly different visual texture.

Local newspaper reports stated: "The monolith, like the one discovered in Utah, is about 10 to 12 feet tall and apparently composed entirely of dimly reflective metal. It was reportedly found standing on the Bâtca Doamnei plateau, near an archaeological site overlooking the city."

So, cue the X-Files theme song and let your imagination run wild as we wait for an explanation to all this mystery!

Take a look at the video below by YouTube channel, Later Clips, on Another Mysterious Monolith Appears.

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