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Black Mirror made their season four dating app a reality 2

Black Mirror made their season four dating app a reality 3

Black Mirror is well known for showing us how terrifying the future of technology can be. In season four of Netflix's hit show, we were introduced to a dating simulation that calculates the length of your relationship with a given person.

In "Hang the DJ" Amy (Georgina Campbell) and Frank (Joe Cole) use the Coach dating app and are among a society full of people who put blind faith in "the system" to match with their soulmate. At first, Amy and Frank get 12 hours together, but a second chance proves to be longer and more complicated due to how they approach the system and its power over when the relationship should end.

Playing off this scenario Black Mirror has created the "Coach Dating" app from the "Hang the DJ" episode and all you have to do is click the designated button. Once the custom link on "Coach Dating" appears, you can send it to your significant other to see the end time on your relationship.

Though the app is merely a tie-in with the show and created for fun, head over to coach.dating to try it out.

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