Home / News & media website / Gadgets / Cardlax AirPods Washing Machine Will Rid Your AirPods Of Earwax!


A startup company called Cardlax has invented a washing machine that easily cleans your earbuds and AirPods. And, by the looks of it, it works surprisingly well.

Don't you just hate it when you use your AirPods and, after a while, they get disgustingly dirty and filled with dirt and earwax? Well, Cardlax has tackled this problem head-on, with the introduction of their brand new Airpods washing machine.

The Cardlax automatic AirPods washer supports most earbuds makes and models, and is as simple as popping them into the washer and let it do its thing. The centre of the washer has a sponge rotating drum and will brush your AirPods up against the outer wall, also made from sponge, for the main cleaning process. For those stubborn dirt spots, you can make use of the automatic brush that pops up and rotates when the washer's lid is open, while giving it a few sprays of the cleaner solution which is included in the Cardlax washer as well.

Who knows, this might be the product you never knew you needed!

Take a look at the video below by the YouTube channel, Cardlax, on the Cardlax Automatic Earbuds Washer.

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