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Microsoft has been transparent to its users about potentially bringing out a brand new design of their controller for both the new Xbox Series X and Series S.

Microsoft has been very transparent with its customers when they put out their feelers, asking their Xbox consumers whether or not they will see value on a newly designed Xbox controller for both the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S.

This may come across as rather strange as they have just released their brand new consoles with upgraded controllers. However, Microsoft probably feels as they could have done something similar to what Sony did with the new PS5 controller, with a whole new design and many new features that drastically improve the users experience during gameplay. Microsoft essentially just added USB Type-C to the Xbox One controller and shipped it with the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S.

So, judging by the feedback Microsoft receives from this survey, they might bring out a brand new controller for the new Xbox consoles.

Take a look at the video below by YouTube channel, Later Clips, on Could A New Xbox Series X and Series S controller Be Brought Out By Microsoft?

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