Home / News & media website / Gaming / Custom Made Retro PS5 Console Case Will Blow Your Mind!


A YouTuber by the channel name DIY Perks has recently started a custom device series where he modifies factory cases and builds a creation of his own that suits his style. He has already done a TV, speakers, as well as a brass covered PS5 case.

This time, DIY Perks released a video that showcases a scratch-built retro-themed case for a Sony PS5. It features American dark walnut wood and sheets of carbon fibre to achieve the desired effect, and showcases the entire build process.

What is mentioned in the video is that the futuristic PS5 case is undoubtedly a stunning design, but usually it's a bit of an eye-sore on your TV cabinet, and only looks good standing upright. Furthermore, removing your factory PS5 case is not a difficult task at all, the hard part is designing a case that provides sufficient cooling and airflow for the PS5 to run optimally, and making sure that your power buttons and cable inputs work as they were intended with the original case.

Take a look at the video below by the YouTube channel, DIY Perks, on Building A Stealthy PS5...

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