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Did You Know This About Avengers: Infinity War? 2

Did You Know This About Avengers: Infinity War? 3

Did You Know This About Avengers: Infinity War? 4

Did You Know This About Avengers: Infinity War? 5

Avengers: Infinity War has been available to watch at home for a while now, but there are some interesting tidbits about the film.

For instance, did you know that there was a fan-favourite character that was originally featured in the movie before his scene was cut out? In this Avengers: Infinity War's deleted scene, it's revealed that Happy Hogan (Job Favreau) once had a very funny role in the film. As it plays out the theatrical version of the movie, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts discuss potentially having a child while on a walk in New Your City. The scene ends when Dr Strange summons Stark.

A deleted version of that scene plays quite a bit longer, it was supposed to feature Happy who appears on a golf cart and complains about having to hold off the paparazzi while the two have their personal chat. "You two should just elope because this media circus that's going on is driving me crazy," he tells the couple. "This is me on edge because I'm trying to keep all the pictures out of the paper and off the internet so your wedding's not ruined. Remember that kid from TMZ that you had me trade paint with on the FDR Drive? Well, I got a case against me now!"

It's not hard to see why the moment was cut from the final version of the film, it doesn't exactly advance the plot at all and it mostly played for jokes. In a movie like Avengers: Infinity War, practically everything means something. Still, one more moment of levity before everything falls apart would have been nice.

The digital release of Avengers: Infinity War comes with a slew of other special features, including a roundtable discussion with the various MCU directors and even more deleted scenes. It's available now. The film will arrive on Blu-ray on August 14.

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