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Even though Instagram has been guilty of users experiencing a chronological Instagram feed, it seems that the social media outlet will not be restoring things back to what it used to be.

So, what better way to get to grips with the sad news then to understand how their algorithm works and why it could potentially be better.

Since 2016, Instagram replaced its reverse-chronological feeds with an algorithm based science that has captivated and confused every user on their platform.

According to Instagram, before the change two years ago, users were apparently missing 70% of all posts and 50% of their friends’ posts. Now reports reveal the three main factors determining the current order of every user's feed:

Interest: Instagram analyses your behaviour, using machine vision analysing, to determine what it thinks you will care about the most.

Recency: It looks at when the post was shared and prioritises recent posts.

Relationship: Finally, it determines how close you are to the person who shared it, depending on your interaction with that person including likes, comments and tagged photos with that particular user.

As well as this, there are three additional factors influencing rankings:

Frequency: This looks at how many times you open Instagram, calculating the best posts to show you since your last visit.

Following: The algorithm of the feed is dependent on the number of people it is picking content from, the more you follow the less likely you will see of everyone.

Usage: How long you spend on Instagram will determine if you are seeing the best photos in short sessions or digging deeper into its catalogue if you spend more total time browsing.

The Facebook-owned social channel revealed all during a whiteboard session with reporters.

Ever Wondered How The Instagram Algorithm Works? 2

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