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In the past decade or so, many marketers have embraced the value that content marketing has to offer to a wide audience, to drive engagement, build brand awareness and to guide consumers through online purchasing processes.

But how can AI change these processes that everyone uses on a daily base?

Well, for instance, natural language processing, which is a big part of Artificial Intelligence, has advanced the creation of AI-powered content tools. AI presents a whole new opportunity to accelerate as well as optimize the creation of written content.

AI tools can assist in transforming production processes to help the marketing team to make data-driven decisions about what topics to write about, who to write for and how to reach these audiences most efficiently.

But how exactly does AI assist you with your content marketing plan?

AI tools can assist with content production that will give content writers across the globe relevant topics to write about. This form of technology can also help marketing teams maintain a consistent tone and writing style, and these AI tools can help scale content production by producing machine-written skeletons on content briefs.

Instead of spending hours doing research on a relevant topic to write about, AI tools can analyse large quantities of audience data to assist marketers to find any recommended content to publish online.

Artificial intelligence can also help customise user's feeds, which allows them to only see the posts they are interested in. Social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, they all analyse hundreds of variables and can predict which posts a user will like, comment on or even mark as spam.

This type of information helps marketers understand which type of content users will find engaging which, in return, helps these marketers create similar content to increase their social and brand awareness. By creating the relevant content algorithms, it then makes it easier to collect the necessary data about a certain target audience.

This can include things like what they read about, type of questions they want to be answered, and any type of concern they might have about a specific business. AI will also perform location-based targeting using local maps and areas. Sure, localised content already exists, but to take it further with the help of AI, this type of content can open up new target markets, and with the help of AI-technology, you will be able to reach these targets effectively.

There is no need to worry, AI won't take over the world anytime soon, we hope! However, automated content production still requires a human touch, and that is the biggest thing that AI is still missing, which is the emotional depth that a content piece can create for its readers.

If the demand for content changes, which it will, brands and media will need to react to these changes. AI will be able to assist, which allows content to be varied and published even faster. AI can already automatically search the web for information, combine this research and create a readable piece of content.

It is only a matter of time before these algorithms, used by AI, will be able to write any type of article on any topic to target any market. The future of AI will probably produce excellent content at a faster pace than any content writer. This will make it easier for individuals because AI will create unique content and will already know what the readers want to read about.

Even though AI is an exciting development for content marketers alike, it is still a bit scary to think that all this will come into play within the next 3 years, or even next year, who knows.

Image source ERPINNEWS 


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