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If you, or one of your beloved family members, still use Internet Explorer, and yes the true IE, then you probably already realise that you are a good 15 years behind in times.

If you need a nudge to stop using this browser, then this news should do it for you...

A hacking group is actively exploiting a zero-day exploit in Internet Explorer to infect Windows PCs with malware, according to researchers. A team from Qihoo 360's Core security unit say an advanced persistent threat (APT) group is using the IE vulnerability on a “global scale,” according to ZDNet. The vulnerability is being exploited using an infected Office document, loaded with something called "double-kill" vulnerability.

In order for the malware to be triggered, users have to be Internet Explorer users and choose to open the infected Office file. From there, the malware uses a well-known exploit to get around Windows' User Account Control, those pop-up windows that are supposed to stop an unverified script from running.

The attack does require users to do things that they really should not – open unverified Office files, and use Internet Explorer – but researchers are calling Microsoft to issue an urgent patch to fix the issue nonetheless. Short of burning Internet Explorer to the ground ( which is a rational choice, but one that uses on institution IT systems do not always have the option).

There is nothing users can do to protect themselves, so to put it in simple terms, just do not use Internet Explorer.

Here Is Why You Should Not Use Internet Explorer 2

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